Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Used to Think....

that Strep Throat were the two most feared words in the English language. My oldest daughter seemed to get it at the drop of a hat. Finally they took her tonsils and adnoids out and it seemed that my nightmare was over. For a while anyway.....

Now, the most feared word in the English language is----- (can you feel the suspense building??) CROUP! Yes, my youngest has Croup. I hate the barking cough, the rattle that is so scary to listen to while they try to breathe. It's just downright scary.

The best thing about Croup? Well, there really isn't a whole lot you can do for it. Of course there is the tried and true steam bath. Today my doctor recommended opening her window tonight to let the cold air in. HELLO??? We live in Connecticut. That is SO not happening. What is this guy thinking? So he suggested that we take her for a ride in the car with the window down. I would tell you that I still think he was crazy but you know what? It genuinely seemed to help.

So now she is sleeping with the humidifier running. I hope that will be enough to ward of the yucky, nasty sounding mess but, being a realist, I am planning on going to bed early.


Sandy said...

Ahh, poor kid. :( I hope she's feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the cold air helps. You can also take her outside after the warm steamy bath too. That helps too. Makes you feel horrible doing that as a mom though. Hope she's feeling better now.

Roe said...

Oh yuck! Poor kid! Will has had an asthmatic bark that resembles but isn't croup, so I can sort of sympathize. My friend's son had it and she said it sounded like she had a baby seal in the house! Hope Em's feeling better soon.